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I'm not even a flower. Maybe, a cactus.

Hello there...

         Its almost Ramadhan. I've plenty of assignment and project to do. Its already week 10. Mostly, I don't do them. This semester, I'm struggling to do my thesis but never understand the main of my research. If you missed my writing about what am I doing right now, let me tell you that I'm in semester 5 and this year, I'm already 23 years old.

      Oh ya! I'm getting to experience some job such as freelance photographer on dinner event, volunteer as an official photographer for animation kingdom uitm, I got some request from my previous contact and also my friend which is doing their resume, poster, banner, logo, animation, wedding card, etc. Holla, the important achievement that I have to tell in my blog is I got an internship as a compositor (for dubbing part) at Digital Durian, Putrajaya. My supervisor was Farah, Dubbing Manager. I was fun but I got friends 2 weeks before leaving the company hahaha thanks to Allah, there were my ex-classmate, Zahirul (diploma) work as a videographer. My internship was not more than 2 month.

         I get back with my ex which is I hope, we're doing okay within this relationship. I was tried to calm myself with someone (who does friend zoned me). He told me, he loved his ex-girlfriend but very cared about me at that time. "That time" which is I was started to move on from my boyfriend right now. Please, pray for us. I do want to stay. Thank you for being loyal until now, sayang. I love you 3000 times.

          I got the closest friend in my class, Teha, Flora, Hawa, Qila, and others like Zul, Hakeem, Bubble, Cigo, etc. But... I'm started to feel like I'm going far from my school friend, Syaida, Sha, Alip, Din, Zul, Ikmal. It's starting with awkward and annoys. And we plan to go Hatyai, Thailand on this July after Raya Puasa. Insya-Allah.

          My car, baby kenari, started to burn itself. I wish I wouldn't be mum's burden. Praying for mum's healthy. Thank you for be our best mom. I love you, ma. Before this, I had a polaroid printing business but it's not going well. So, I decided to stop the business for a moment because I want to focus on other things. Alright then, goodnight fellas!


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